Meeting Highlights Challenges and Support for Veterans' Reintegration

Today, a working meeting took place between the Deputy Chief of the Research Department for Internal Communication Support of the Research Center for Humanitarian Problems of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Volodymyr Pyetukhov, and the Head of the Department for Quality Assurance of Mental Health and Psychosocial Services (MHPS) at the Community Self-Help NGO, Marta Pivovarenko.

The discussion focused on an important point on the "Veteran's Journey Map" - the return from captivity and the restoration of health, strength, family, and professional relationships.

"It is very difficult for people who have just been released from captivity to rebuild their future. They have been under pressure for a long time and have been in a state that is quite different from what military personnel participating in combat operations are used to seeing. However, we provide all aspects of services related to the reintegration of individuals. Psychologists work to support and stabilize the psychological and mental well-being of military personnel. After that, we return them to their families and units where they serve. Our main task is to restore military personnel to their positions and duties," said Volodymyr Pyetukhov.

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