Opportunities for Establishing Connections Between the Ukrainian Government Sector and International Organizations Through a Cluster Mechanism

Continuing to share the details of the meetings leading up to the signing of the partnership memorandum between the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and the NGO "Community Self-Help".

The head of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine, Oleksandr Porkhun, also plans to meet with representatives of the World Health Organization's cluster mechanism to discuss the healthcare needs of veterans. The Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine is preparing for public meetings aimed at uniting the efforts of international missions in Ukraine that are already providing services, particularly in the fields of mental health and rehabilitation, with a special focus on military personnel and veterans. This population, which has endured significant psychological stress, will require quality services. Through the cluster mechanism, it will finally be possible to ensure a connection between the Ukrainian government sector and the activities of international organizations, missions, and non-governmental organizations currently operating in Ukraine.

Tomorrow, we will publish the final post about the future cooperation between the Ministry of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine and the NGO "Community Self-Help."

The activities of the NGO "Community Self-Help" are supported by ISAR Ednannia within the framework of the "Civil Society Sectoral Support Initiative" project funded by USAID.

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