Presentation of MBAT (Mindfulness Based Attention Training) - a training program for mindfulness and attention

Recently, a presentation of the MBAT (Mindfulness Based Attention Training) program took place.. The event was organized by the NGO "Community Self-Help" and the Department of Military Psychology and Pedagogy at the Military Institute of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.

The introductory lecture focused on the 4-week mindfulness and attention training program (MBAT), which is contextually adapted for groups operating under high-pressure and high-stress conditions. The overall concept of MBAT aims to optimize productivity and well-being in the face of complex professional and personal circumstances that may persist for weeks or months.

Psychology professor at the University of MiamiAmishi Jha stated, "I had the honor of speaking alongside Major General Christopher R. Norrie (USA) in Ukraine before cadets and the leadership of the Department of Military Psychology and Pedagogy at the Military Institute of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University. This is part of the logical process of implementing NATO standards in the psychological training of Ukrainian servicemen. The introductory lecture, "Attention Training and Cognitive Resilience Enhancement using Mindfulness Practices for Working in High-Stress and High-Demand Environments," which I conducted as a professor of psychology, neurologist, physician, and MBAT trainer, was held at the invitation of the NGO "Community Self-Help" and the Military Institute of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University."

"Special thanks to the speakers, as well as to the organizer and coordinator of the process, Marta Pivovarenko, Head of the Department of Quality Assurance of Psychosocial Services (PZPSP) at the NGO "Community Self-Help," emphasized Valta Pashkovsky, MBAT program trainer, and representative in Ukraine.

Brief information about the speakers:

Dr. Amishi Jha ( ) is a psychology professor at the University of Miami. She is the Director of Contemplative Neuroscience at the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, founded in 2010. She received her Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis, and completed postdoctoral training at the Center for Brain Imaging and Analysis at Duke University. Dr. Jha's work has been presented at NATO, the World Economic Forum, and the Pentagon. Dr. Amishi Jha co-authors the MBAT (Mindfulness Based Attention Training) program.

Major General Christopher R. Norrie (Major General Christopher R. Norrie ) assumed command of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Division on June 1, 2023. Before arriving at Fort Stewart, he served as the director of the People First Task Force in the Office of the Vice Chief of Staff, G-1, U.S. Army, Arlington, Virginia. Major General Norrie has participated in Operations Joint Forge in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iraqi Freedom in Iraq, Spartan Shield in the Middle East, and Atlantic Resolve in Poland. His awards and decorations include the Legion of Merit, the Bronze Star for Valor, the Combat Action Medal, the Iraq Campaign Medal, the NATO Medal, and the Combat Action Badge.

This project was provided by NGO Community Self-Help with ISAR Ednannia support within the USAID Ukraine Civil Society Sectoral Support Activity.

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